Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Shocking Asia (1976)

Director: Rolf Olsen

Starring: A shitload of freaks living and practicing in Asia.

More info: IMDb

Tagline: Not for the faint of heart...

Plot: This mondo film depicts graphic scenes from the Asian continent. We witness a mass piercing in India and cremated remains of human bodies dumped into the Ganges river in clear sight of bathers. The camera then shows Japanese sex clubs which reenact bizarre sexual rituals and S&M fantasies. There is also a very graphic sex change operation in Singapore. There is also midget and female wrestling featured to round out the fun.

My rating: 6/10

Will I watch it again? Nah.

#30 on 42nd Street Forever Vol. 1 (part of the TRAILER TRASH PROJECT)

I've seen very few mondo documentaries, films that are much like travelogues of the bizarre and horrific. It's obvious where this one takes you but they cover a shitload of topics like some crazy festival in Thailand...

People using every conceivable part of a snake from drinking its blood to eating it to cure erectile dysfunction...

Snake charmers in India...

Temples in Kajuraho...

The disposal of deceased loved ones. The are burned and their ashes are dumped into the Ganges river, sometimes along with a not-quite-fresh body...

And then there are the sick fucks WHO BATH IN THE SAME FUCKING RIVER!...

The hell it doesn't.

Back to India where people are get closer to god by doing shit like this...

Here's a guy that can cure diseases with the energy that builds up in this spinning stone...

You've got prostitutes that don't want their faces shown, either...

And lady boys that are more than happy to...

What happens when one of these fellas wants to switch teams for good? This guy'll turn you outside in...

Yes, they show you several minutes of the operation and the boob job which is done at the same time! How's that for multi-tasking. It's as disgusting as you would imagine.

In Japan, it's Penises On Parade!

Here are a few more crazy ideas they have for sex...

Some Japanese digs ole Hitler-san...

And you know how they love tattoos...

I didn't realize they dug the wrastlin', too...

And some more unusual shit...

Facts? Not too sure about that, but shocking?

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