Saturday, August 21, 2010

Blood of the Virgins (1967)

Director: Emilio Vieyra

Starring: Ricardo Bauleo, Susana Beltran, Gloria Prat, you know - lots of familiar names like these

More info: IMDB

Plot: Ofelia's wedding day is approaching and she is to be married to Eduaurdo. She has some pre-wedding jitters during a meeting with her lover Gustavo but decides to tie the knot anyways. On her wedding night, Gustavo shows up in their room, murders Eduardo, and proceeds to turn Ofelia into a vampire so that they can be together forever. In the present day 1960's, a group of young men and women take shelter in an abandoned lodge after their van breaks down. Soon, Ofelia appears and seduces one of the guys and meanwhile the girls go missing. It is up to the other guys to figure out what is happening and Ofelia must make a decision as to how much longer she can continue with her cursed life.

My rating: 4/10

Will I watch it again? No.

Yawwwwwwwn! What's this? Tits? Say, where'd the boobs go? Yawwwwwwn! What's this? Blood? Say, where'd the gore go? Yawwwwwwwn! What's this? MORE tits? Niiiiiiice! Yawwwwwwwn! Hey, check it out...blood ON tits! Bravo! Zzzzzzzzzzz.

That's pretty much the film. You can tell by the plot there's nothing new here. There's a great deal of Argentinian nudity and some gore but there's very little in between that'll keep you awake.

The opening credits are outstanding! Just check out that artwork!

The ladies are outstanding! Just check out that artwork!

The best part about this Mondo Macabro DVD is the half hour documentary on Argentinian Exploitation and the 9 horror trailers. The disc is almost worth the purchase just for the extras. Very interesting and fun as hell. Sadly, BLOOD OF THE VIRGINS is not.

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